The Letters- October 8, 1926 from Bob to Jean

The Letters- October 8, 1926 from Bob to Jean

"Jean Darling:

           I am tired. Went out with the lineman today to set and wire a new corner pole. I'm supposed to work inside but my boss has a new baby boy and so he sent me out. And maybe you think I didn't work. 

           When we get settled down to regular routine I will be in the office learning the operation of the exchange. That is what I am here for. 

           Sweetheart, I am so lonesome and heartsick for YOU. It is so hard to realize that I can't see you often, seems as though I ought to be calling you for a date and racking my brain for something to say over the phone just to keep you where I can hear your voice. 

           Monday is our anniversary- our fourth one. I wish we could celebrate it together. I promise I'll not forget it- I'll prove I've not forgotten if you're home at the noon hour. 

           Dearest, you said there would be another time after the 23rd but you didn't mention the time. When are you going to promise me that. 

           I discovered something today! T____ H_____, who works in the office, the husband of the Alpha Xi (who, by the way, was V____ L____) doesn't get as much money as I do and he's worked for the company ever since he started to college- and he's worked steady since the graduated in 1925. I certainly was lucky!!

           I heard Marion Talley. Her voice is beautiful. Her coloratura work showed some effect but her middle register was the sweetest I ever heard. She's only nineteen, you know, and is as slender and girlish as a co-ed. She is beautiful- but her face is rather doll-like and she looks like she'd be rather dumb if you got to know her. But I enjoyed her concert very much- 'twould have been perfect had I been with you. 

           I doubt if you realize how much you count with me, dear. Some vital part of my being seems dead- always there is something lacking. Every pleasure is dulled a little, every trial and hardship sharpened a little- because I can't share them with you. And when I come home after work I always think that the one thing that would make the world a paradise would be to be coming home to you.  My ambition in life is to make myself worthy of the one girl - to make her willing and happy to share my thoughts, my dreams, my life. 

           Jean- you're the world and all to me. All that I am- all that I ever hope to be- I have laid at your feet-

             ' Something to kiss or to kill,

                As you will, love

                Here is my heart'**

           I just had to say all this, Jean. I am so lonesome tonight, and I love you so. 

                                                                      Always your




**Here Bob quotes the song "Love, Here is My Heart" (aka "Mon Coeur Est Pour Toi") (Lao Silesu / Adrian Ross) 1916
"I have gathered my heart as a rose, As a rose from the midsummer garden; And my love at the heart of it glows, And its breath is a prayer for your pardon! Love, here is my heart, One rose for your hair; Yours if you keep it today, Yours if you throw it away! Whether you now tear it apart Or choose it to wear - Something to kiss or to kill, As you will, Here is my heart I have spoken my heart in a song, In a song of the nightingale's trilling For she sang to me all the night long, Till my heart with her passion was thrilling! Love, here is my heart, One tender refrain; Yours if you echo the tune, Yours if you tire of it soon - Whether you laugh, as you depart, Or hear it again - Something to listen to yet, Of forget, Here is my heart!"
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