January 19
No doubt you are saying "What- another". But really I'm not trying to heap coals of fire or anything like that. It's just that I'm lonesome and writing to you helps very much. So if my letters bother you, just ditch them. I have the happiness that came from writing them.
Miss Paul- one of the teachers from Havelock- is going to be in town Saturday. I am anxious to see her and talk over old times. She writes that she has been fired from the present position. I can imagine it. She always did pretty much as she pleased- and in a small town that isn't done.
I hope you are bearing up under the strain of study. I wish I could help you. Wouldn't it be fun if we were doing the same work- and could work together. We'd throw Bishop a mean line. I used to do that all by myself.
Haven't had a letter since I've been in Des Moines from anyone in C.R. except you- and one from H___ forwarded from Colfax. Everyone must be busy.
Really I have no news- masquers meeting tonight.
But I had to write to tell you that, at the end of another day, I still love you.
January 20
I've time for merely the briefest of notes. I had not heard a word about our formal. Dear, would it be asking too much to wait till the 26th for our next date. No one knows better than I how hard that will be- but I do want to take in the formal- don't you. And I can't possibly buy a tux- one that I would be seen in- and make two trips next month. Please tell me what you actually think. There may be some way- heaven knows I'll look for it.
The big dance tonight. The first date of my own making with anyone else since my first date with you. And somehow I'm not at all thrilled at the prospect, tho I am aching to dance.
The best of luck to my sweetheart in her test. But A's or flunks, I'm with you. Let me know the outcome.
I'll write you all about the dance. At least by tomorrow I should be able to tell you my date's name. I should find it out before the evening is over.
On the brink of my first date, Jean, sweet, I turn to say------I love you.