the metal zipper- bringing fashion past and present together
Aubrey Beardsley, Archived
From the archives, a 1970s maxi dress with a quilted skirt printed with Aubrey Beardsley artwork! Sold.
Aubrey Beardsley, Archived
From the archives, a 1970s maxi dress with a quilted skirt printed with Aubrey Beardsley artwork! Sold.
Working While Working! A Blog Revisited, Octobe...
.................At my secret part-time job. Not LEGALLY secret, the IRS knows (settle down, minions o' George). But my little part time job no one really knows about, thats best kept...
Working While Working! A Blog Revisited, Octobe...
.................At my secret part-time job. Not LEGALLY secret, the IRS knows (settle down, minions o' George). But my little part time job no one really knows about, thats best kept...
What's Old is New- Revisiting the OG Blog, 2006!
I've decided to move my old blog here in copy/paste style because it's no longer showing up online AND the pics are hosted by Photobucket which is a nightmare photo...
What's Old is New- Revisiting the OG Blog, 2006!
I've decided to move my old blog here in copy/paste style because it's no longer showing up online AND the pics are hosted by Photobucket which is a nightmare photo...

Today at work I was inspired to create a vintage color collection while working with some of the new looks for summer in cosmetics- skin tones in nail colors paired...
Today at work I was inspired to create a vintage color collection while working with some of the new looks for summer in cosmetics- skin tones in nail colors paired...

Gone Dotty
Polka dot prints in fashion are timeless! Seen now as fun and whimsical, they weren't always seen that way. In Medieval Europe, they were often seen as representing illness or...
Gone Dotty
Polka dot prints in fashion are timeless! Seen now as fun and whimsical, they weren't always seen that way. In Medieval Europe, they were often seen as representing illness or...

Helen Bond Ca-who?
This is Helen Bond Carruthers. While not easy to make out the details, she is indeed wearing one of her famous cashmere sweaters appliqued with embroidered pieces of antique textiles....
Helen Bond Ca-who?
This is Helen Bond Carruthers. While not easy to make out the details, she is indeed wearing one of her famous cashmere sweaters appliqued with embroidered pieces of antique textiles....